For those who baked through BFMHTY, this sounded like it would be a pretty similar recipe. To my recollection, this one was a bit more fussy. I halved the recipe; living alone and having just received my order of Girl Scout cookies, this was necessary. The dough came together very easily and rolled out without any problems. I admit, when it came to the filling and rolling, I was a bit more loose with the directions. One half of my dough got apricot preserves, cranberries and almonds, while the second half got black cherry preserves, almonds and bittersweet chocolate chunks. Surprisingly, the non-chocolate rugelach ended up my favorite. I do have to say, if I was going to make rugelach again, I'd stick with Dorie's recipe from BFMHTY.

I didn't make rugelach last round. I'll have to try Dorie's recipe. this was fun to make and yummy.
Even half a recipe seemed to make a ton. The other TWD rugelach was tasty but it was so long ago I really don't remember where on the taste scale it fell.
looks lovely !!!! Aren't these a delight !!!
I'm going to have to try Dorie's recipe because these tasted pretty good to me, although the directions I found to be confusing at times or maybe I just wasn't reading very carefully. I would love to try these with black cherry preserves!
looks delicious, well done :)
They look good.
We halved our recipe as well - I was worried about cookies coming out of our noses :-)
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