Wednesday, May 13

TWD - Tartest Lemon Tart

These are some tasty tasty tarts. Barb, you picked a great recipe to break up all the chocolate madness.

Because I sometimes get overly ambitious (which results in the tarts coming out of the oven after midnight), I decided to do two things with these tarts. First, I made four mini tarts; second, I made two with a Meyer lemon and two with a regular lemon. You could really only tell the difference pre-baking in the color but the tarts with Meyer lemon are definitely not as tart as the others. The texture of the tarts reminds me of lemon bars but the crust is way better. Mine stayed nice and crumbly and fortunately didn't overbake in the oven.

The point of the "mini" tarts was so that hopefully I would eat less at a time but I'm not sure how that's going to work out. Oh well. Time to lace up the tennis shoes.

Check out Babette Feasts for the recipe and the blogroll for everyone elses tarts!


TeaLady said...

Pretty little tarts. And great experiment. Meyer are supposed to be sweeter, but I like the really tart tart with the regular lemons.

Anonymous said...

Terrific, that' s exactly what I was seeking for! You just spared me alot of work